So, while the US and UK, the kissing cousins of the Western World face "Financial Armageddon" in the banking sector which, make no mistake, will exert a powerful tug in the purse strings of Everyman, but especially the poorest and least financially savvy among us, Gordon Brown has put together a comfort package: free loft insulation, internet access and theatre tickets. Yes, the One with the Experience and Expertise to steer us through troubled waters (albeit in an unseaworthy vessel of his own design) wants to ensure that we will be both snug and entertained (ie distracted) until the inexorably advancing moment when we lose the insulated roof over our heads and the power supply dies under an avalanche of unpaid bills. Not so long ago Our Leader expressed a wish to be compared to Emily Bronte's fictional romantic anti-hero, Heathcliff. Well, let me stretch your limits of incredulity and derision just a little further and suggest, with apologies to Karl Marx, Father of Socialism and therefore the more conventional role model for a Labour Prime Minister, that Gordon now seems to have jumped into bed (nobody tell that nice Sarah) with one of history's most unfortunate and blinkered of royal spouses, Marie Antoinette. Free oat cakes anyone?