Apologies are due for the last 3 weeks of no blog. I have been gallivanting - to Brighton, Crete, Brighton, Prague and back to Middletown and it's been great. The trip to Crete was a post-graduation treat for Daughter Number 3 and me, whilst Brian (resolutely untreatable) held the fort in Middletown. Of course he was ably assisted by Sir W and also by GF who kindly cooked a few meals and ironed a few shirts. The past weeks have developed into a very pleasant, mutually advantageous Menage a Trois although we are rarely "a trois" all together and there is definitely no irregular sexual activity (nor much of the regular kind, I think I heard Brian mutter from the bowels of a homeward-bound Korean Air 747). Crete was just what the doctor ordered - a picture-perfect, not too commercialised Shirley Valentine-esque fishing village, lots of lovely swimming opportunities, delicious food and drink, although at a slightly unpalatable price. The strength of the Euro has brought about something of a recession in Greek tourist trade and while the near empty bars and beaches were a delight to me and non-party animal Number 3, the locals were decidedly unimpressed. Our hotelier, the "charming" (according to some obviously out of date internet review) Manos, was a miserable so'n'so who insisted on holding on to our passports for the whole week without reasonable explanation, was most reluctant to hand over an extra pair of threadbare holey sheets and neglected to carry any of our bags up the twisting staircase to our apartment. We got our own back by spending our precious Euros elsewhere after finding not one but 2 springy dark hairs in my first morning's "Full Eenglish". A couple of lightly education excursions were undertaken, first to a former Leper colony (and after the mossies had finished with my feet and legs I began to fear apprehension as an escapee) and then to Knossos, of greater interest than it might otherwise have been to the new qualified teacher who has to deliver Greek Myths to her Year 5 class next term. On this tour we were accompanied by an impressively multi-lingual guide who divided her charges into 2 groups - The English Speakers and The Francophones (sic) - each of which she addressed separately, banishing the unwanted group to "have a photo opportunity". Each spiel for the benefit of the English Group began with, "Here on the island of Krit-i" (just in case anyone was suffering from a "senior moment") and ended with the phrase, "And thees I shall also be telling to ze French", giving the distinct impression that we had strayed into a re-run of 'Allo, 'Allo. Later, back at the apartments, Number 3 and I were enjoying a rather over enthusiastic re-enactment of the Knossos experience whilst simultaneously attempting to maintain our

balance on one of Manos's airbeds when it suddenly struck me that we were not larking around in the privacy of our backyard pool in Houston but under the disapproving scrutiny of a trio of boys from Bolton, a couple from Croydon, our (un)genial host and his rather dishy bartender son. Later that night, when one too many gimlets caused me to momentarily lose the use of my legs en route our room, Manos, alerted by uninhibited laughter and the screeching of the sunbed which broke my fall, opened the little square window in his bathroom, peered out toothbrush in mouth then slammed it shut again without even the most cursory enquiry as to my state of health. Next time, and there could be one, we'll stay with the truly charming and solicitous Georgio next door.
Just 2 days after my return home, GF and I were off to Prague but not before my ever-alert maternal gaze had registered that Sir W was having trouble with his er willy or at least his waterworks which can be a very serious, even fatal, condition in male cats. So it was straight off to the vets for an examination which happily revealed that he had not yet reached the critical condition of "blocked tom" but a couple of injections were administered just in case. Early next morning GF and I set off for the airport leaving a non too thrilled Brian in charge of a very disconsolate moggie and a special litter tray kit which, allegedly, would enable him to capture a feline urine sample for analysis. (I was later to receive an email communication from Sir W reporting that Brian had been "very busy" in his (William's) litter tray which was not only disgraceful but totally unnecessary - was 4 toilets all to himself not good enough?). The flight to Prague was full but uneventful - thankfully no stag parties, just a lanky young Czech whose somewhat tenuous grasp of English caused him to miss the opportunity of swopping his cramped window seat for my (very slightly) more spacious aisle position. Most probably, GF and I decided, he was still overcome after having been awarded a First Class Honour's Degree in Communications from one of our newer universities. A thorough digestion by GF of the DK Guide to Prague meant that on arrival we were able to repulse the advancing hoards of unregulated taxi drivers and, armed with our 26 Kron (less than £1/$2) transfer tickets, hop on a number 100 bus to the tube station and several stops later alight at Namesty Republiki and then hoof it to our delightful hotel in the Old Jewish Quarter. I'm sure many of you (my 3 daughters included) will have beaten me to this most delightful, pedestrian-friendly

, visually-stunning East European treasure so I won't go on. Suffice it to say that it was everything we anticipated and more. We walked our Birkenstocks off, GF took literally hundreds of stunning photos and we only succumbed to dumplings once. There were some intriguing degustatory experiences on offer. On our very first night we could have supped "Wet Pussy" cocktails on one side of the road and dined upon "roast piggish knee" on the other; as it was GF played safe with the goulash while I experimented, most enjoyably, with the "Prague Sparrow" - braised pork on a nest of pickled cabbage- to you and me - washed down with some very acceptable Moravian wine.
Back at home, our potentially Blocked Tom was now suffering from a very unsightly and obviously very uncomfortable Baboon's Bum following a violent and prolonged attack of the runs (can't spell diarrhoea). To Brian's credit he was, for once, more concerned about a loved one's suffering than the state of our rented carpets and had even been popping home from work every couple of hours to monitor developments. Two return trips to the vets later things are a little better and a sample(poop proving considerably less elusive than its liquid counterpart) has already been sent to the lab. - thank goodness for the pet insurance I was talked into last year when I was still feeling guilty about abandoning poor William

for a life of sloth and indulgence in the bad ole US of A - ah, those were the days... However, as my Dear Husband (aka GF's Other Husband) would certainly concur, I'm not doing too badly and the very good news is that, finally, we have all 3 daughters in (or about to be in) gainful employment and in posts which they hopefully will find personally satisfying as well as the all important financially remunerative. Next week we are off to help Number 3 move into her very own (rented) flat in upmarket Kemptown, a move which, I feel, could mark a new and exciting chapter in the Merchant Family saga. Now if only Brian and I could find that dream house...
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