What a difference a day makes... Just 12 hours after my last post we received notification that Daughter Number 3 had not only passed her degree but been awarded First Class H
onours. Jubilation all round, not just for her excellent result (and we are very proud of all our daughters' achievements) but because it brought to a very satisfactory close the decade during which all our offspring progressed through Higher Education, one of them twice. So we are now the parents of no less than 3 "Young Professionals" either in or about to be in permanent paid employment commensurate with their qualifications. Phew. That very night I dragged Brian out for a celebratory meal complete with champagne.* The girls deserve their success but so do we for all the many types of support freely given over the years. We know it's just a bend, and not the end, of the parental road but it is great to have got them all safely on to the freeway at last.
Better news for Sir William fans too. After 2 nights' hospitalization we brought him home demanding to go private next time as there was far too much scrutiny of his personal bodily functions. We are no further forward in finding out what has caused his most unpleasant indisposition - best guess some unknown virus. A combination of antibiotics and steroids have brought about a noticeable improvement: his botty is definitely looking better which is a great relief all round as neither of us fancied being on either end of the cream and rubber glove with which I had been optimistically issued. We are not impressed with the prohibitively expensive prescribed diet which looks - and smells- like small dark brown cardboard circles and makes him so thirsty he has to wake me up 3 times a night to drink from the glass on my bedside table. I've definitely got the best deal though, as there were two small dark brown circles on Brian's side of the duvet this morning and I'm
pretty sure they weren't edible.
* Despite my dereliction of WW and celebratory nosh, loss to date 18lbs.

Better news for Sir William fans too. After 2 nights' hospitalization we brought him home demanding to go private next time as there was far too much scrutiny of his personal bodily functions. We are no further forward in finding out what has caused his most unpleasant indisposition - best guess some unknown virus. A combination of antibiotics and steroids have brought about a noticeable improvement: his botty is definitely looking better which is a great relief all round as neither of us fancied being on either end of the cream and rubber glove with which I had been optimistically issued. We are not impressed with the prohibitively expensive prescribed diet which looks - and smells- like small dark brown cardboard circles and makes him so thirsty he has to wake me up 3 times a night to drink from the glass on my bedside table. I've definitely got the best deal though, as there were two small dark brown circles on Brian's side of the duvet this morning and I'm

* Despite my dereliction of WW and celebratory nosh, loss to date 18lbs.
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