OK, I've stolen this headline from the Daily Mail but it was also what I was shouting at the radio this morning. As you know, I have been a fan of Russell Brand in the past. I still think he is an original if sometimes outrageous wit but he knows no boundaries. As for Jonathan Ross, I've always been slightly mystified as to just what constitutes his prodigious talent and therefore justifies his ridiculously inflated salary. Their crudely puerile treatment of Andrew Sachs and the impugning of his 23 year old granddaughter is far more than the over-used and euphemistic "inappropriate"; it is frankly disgusting, especially from Ross, himself the father, I believe, of 2 young girls. Just as sickening is the support for their behaviour from sycophantic fellow "comedians" (Alexander Armstrong) hoping to emulate their financial success and BBC "spokespeople" maintaining that the publicly funded corporation has nothing to answer for. Ross, Brand and Co think they are above censure because their obscenely inflated salaries tell them so. It's time to send them the unequivocal message we so often fail to deliver not only in public life but also in our schools - a pathetically insincere apology and even a few flowers just won't cut it. Contrary to the doctrine I heard a secondary school head preaching on Midlands Today this week, actions do have consequences and a system of rewards (ie. bribes) is no substitute for the "learning opportunity" in allowing those consequences to be felt.
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