Thwack! Thwack!! Sir William and I had our TV viewing rudely interrupted last night by the impact of 2 eggs making explosive contact with the living rooms windows. By the time we had alerted Brian to go outside and investigate there was no egg sheller to be seen but the man from a house across the road was also stood by his front windows, scratching his head. An early Halloween prank was his suggestion but we have been shelled once before - in February. At that time I put it down to a disaffected student who had recognised my car in the driveway. This time Brian has a new theory. As both we and the man across the road are renting our respective houses and stubbornly waiting before we buy, Brian's prime suspect is an eggsasperated estate agent.* Be that as it may, I have bought in a bumper sized tub of E numbers with which to appease the Trick or Treaters of Gazeuponafactory Est. Oh, and any tips for getting egg shell off leaded glass?
*Or perhaps it was Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross although I hope they now have more serious matters on their minds.
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