A friend and I are going shopping tomorrow. We need to go further afield than Middletown to find a proper department store as we are both in search of "magic" knickers (or "solution lingerie" as it is more euphemistically known) to go under flimsy special occasion dresses and Debenhams website has revealed a goodly if somewhat intimidating selection. [Brian would like you to know that his NICS have been deemed too small and the Inland Revenue wants to inspect his P60 - he seems to find this funny]. We also need to visit Primark to avail ours

elves of several more pairs of cheap reading glasses. I think I may go up a point this time as, when planning my weekly viewing from the Sunday Times
Culture supplement, I came across a programme which appeared to promise "taking a look at herpes in romantic fiction". I'm afraid I pondered this unsavoury if enlightened oddity for quite some minutes before it finally dawned that the operative word was in fact
heroes.A prayer to the God of Politics: Please let Barack Obama be elected - and let him not disappoint.
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