I was going to express my incredulity and dismay about the way in which the inquiry into Baby P's miserable little life and death has been handled thus far but David Cameron has beaten me to it - good on him. You will probably be relieved to hear that I find the whole topic too distressing to say very much anyway. However, if the controller of Radio 2 can resign over the Brand/Ross affair, then Sharon Shoesmith, Head of Haringay Child Services, whose staff had more than 60 opportunities to remove that 17 month old child from his sadistic "carers" and to whom she has issued only "written warnings", should be laying her own head on the block.
Come on, John Sargeant, you've had your fun and we've had some laughs, but it's time to bow out of "Strictly" and allow the programme to retain some integrity. The never was much integrity to preserve in "X Factor" so no wonder that's degenerated into a total mess with questions even being asked in parliament - another arena where there isn't very much etc etc. Next year, please let's ge
t rid of Louis Walsh, neither use nor ornament. He had the chance to say goodbye to the distinctly creepy Daniel weeks ago but couldn't resist getting shot of one of Simon's proteges instead and now another media low life, Chris Moyles, has got in on the act. BTW, my money is on Diana (no knickers - inside info) Vickers and my track record in picking winners is very good. And if the above paragraph is all Greek to you - you don't know what you're missing!

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