Wednesday, 26 November 2008

No One likes a Know-it-all

We have a new cat in our lives. Before you think Sir W has gone soft, the feline in question belongs to Daughter (and Boyfriend) Number 3 and therefore resides at a safe distance in Brighton. She is jet black and slinky and called Circe (pron. ser-say) after the sorceress in Greek mythology and not Fur Face, as initially and erroneously reported by Brian. When we met for the first time last weekend I immediately noticed that something was amiss with her right eye, an apparently malicious suggestion which was greeted with universal disdain. Last night Daughter and BF 3 shelled out £40 at the Vet's for eye drops and were placed on cat flu alert.

Last week I was urged to watch the Tuesday edition of Egg Heads because the new(ish) wife of the ex-husband of a good friend was one of the challengers. She Who Is not to be Admired and her team put up a good showing which impressed my mother-in-law who seemed strangely disinclined to believe that I, too, had known all the answers (who doesn't know about "langues de chats" yawned Sir W).

I have another good friend (believe it or not) who recently waxed lyrical on the gratification of being old enough to know everything. Well, at some 12 years her junior (a fact which, despite an otherwise razor-sharp intellect, she invariably manages to "forget") I sometimes feel I have reached a similar level of omniscience but without the universal acclaim. Of course, I haven't routed any builders or got the whole street a significant reduction on their Council Tax so I am not a local hero and, my recent CAB training aside, never expect to be. However, a little more appreciation from ones' own family members (Sir W excepted) wouldn't come amiss especially from Brian who, for the first time in 32 years of marriage, has taken to "popping" home at lunch time and daring to complain about the "state" of the house. Today, when leaving with a flea in his ear, he tripped over of the three pairs of his shoes which have been gracing the hall for the past 2 weeks. Perhaps my efforts are not going entirely unrecognised after all.

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