So the Winds of Change summoned by Barack Obama himself have blown him into the White House on the back of an historic electoral victory. I heard the news with relief on the 7 o'clock radio news and several hours later enjoyed the TV scenes of celebration with tears in my eyes. However, my joy wasn't entirely unalloyed as I well remember feeling not dissimilar emotions in May 1997 as I watched Tony Blair bring his family to 10 Downing Street - and what a sycophantic, sanctimonious, self-serving slime ball he turned out to be! I don't have the same fears for Obama's presidency but I do hope, in the face of a very difficult task, he can keep close to his principles and I hope, in turn, Someone will keep him and his family safe.
While I was watching the TV, in dressing gown and slippers (yeste
rday's shopping expedition which turned into the hunt for the perfect LBD having taken its toll) Sir William was out front doing his own thing which I strongly suspect, despite provision of an indoor litter tray and designated outdoor earth bed, means polluting someone else's garden but what can you do? However, he was in his own front yard and took great exception to a miniature dachshund and a Chihuahua trotting past on leads but in the case of the little "wiener" showing a little too much interest in Sir W. Perhaps he said something he
shouldn't, perhaps the pair just looked so totally contemptible in Sir W's eyes he had to act but his blood was up and he meant business - nasty business. A humiliating street appearance (nightclothes at 1 pm) from Yours Truly, profuse apologies to the owner and Sir W was called off at the 3 rd attempt. This is serious - not only disgrace on the House of Merchant but someone is going to get hurt, quite possibly Sir W on the end of an outraged dog-owners boot. If our house wasn't rented we could erect a fence. As it is, Brian is thinking on the lines of a harness and bungee rope. And the worst thing about it is, I might have to agree!
While I was watching the TV, in dressing gown and slippers (yeste

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